Sermon Outline Acts 11:26 Antioch was a place that earned the distinction of being the first place people of God were called “Christians”. Why? Because they were like Christ: I. Christians are converted people (vs 21) II. Christians are consecrated people (vs 24) III. Christians are compassionate people (vs 27-30)
Sermon Outline Acts 10:36 Cornelius was looking for peace. Didn’t find in achievement, prosperity, or world success. Peter preached that Christ makes the difference. I. Living in peace requires the Person of Peace. II. Living in peace requires the Position of Pre-Eminence. III. Living in peace requires the Practice of Prayer. (Philippians 4:4-7)
Sermon Outline Mark 10:13-16 The Masai tribe in Africa have a unique greeting. They ask, “Are the children well?” They know that if the children are well, then life is good. God wants us to be that way in his “tribe”. Jesus gives us 3 imperatives for the welfare of our children: I. Bring them to God (vs 14) II. Bid them…
Sermon Outline Acts 10:1-48 Joppa was the “Gateway to Israel”. The world of humanity flowed through that seaport looking for a better life in the promised land. God used that place to teach Peter about reaching the world of lost humanity with the Gospel of Christ. There are 3 principles of personal evangelism found in Peter’s experience: I. Personal evangelism requires prayer…
Sermon Outline Acts 10:1-48 Cornelius was a good man, but he was a lost man. Religion has no power to save us from our sin or give us a relationship with God. Cornelius’ story is there for us to know the reality of our salvation. I. Religion cannot meet the demands of God. (Romans 3:19-23) II. Religion cannot make up for the…
Sermon Outline John 2:13-25 John’s candid admission that it wasn’t until after the Resurrection that the disciples remembered the promise Jesus made to them early in His ministry. It’s a great reminder to us that the Resurrection life of Jesus is a life lived by faith. I. Easter comes alive when we consider the declaration. (verse 19) II. Easter comes alive when…
Sermon Outline Matthew 21:9, 27:22 Palm Sunday serves as great reminder that we need to be committed followers of Jesus Christ in order to avoid exalting Him one day and crucifying Him the next. What are the signs of a divided heart? I. Being shallow in our understanding of Jesus. (verses 21:10-11) II. Being stubborn in our uprightness toward God. (verses 21:12-25:46)…
Sermon Outline Acts 9:31 God supernaturally orchestrated current events to allow God’s people a respite from persecution. God is in control of the “climate” in our life to accomplish His will for us. Acts 9:31 provides us an opportunity to see why God allowed persecution and why He provided rest. I. God allows resistance for evangelism. (Acts 8:3-4) II. God affords rest…
Sermon Outline Acts 9:31-43 The church of Jesus Christ should be a powerful influence in the world of men. Verses 31, 35, and 42 give evidence to the mighty influence the early church had in the first century. Where did their powerful influence come from? I. Powerful people are passionate people. (verse 31) “Edified” II. Powerful people are pure people. (verse 31)…
Sermon Outline Acts 9:18-30 Paul’s conversion is a pattern of salvation according to his testimony in 1 Timothy 1:16. Luke tells us that we can know that his was salvation genuine by what happened “After Damascus”. I. There was a chance. (verse 18) II. There was a cheer. (verse 20) III. There was a choice. (verses 23-25) IV. There was a church.…
Sermon Outline Acts 9:10-17 The ministry of the New Testament church is evangelism–connecting lost souls with a loving Savior. Ananias is the perfect picture of the kind of people God wants to send to a lost and dying world: I. God uses ordinary people to do His work. II. God uses obedient people to do His work. III. God uses overcoming people to…
Sermon Outline Acts 9:1-6 Saul’s conversion story is incredible. It is seen best with the backdrop of this little word “yet’. God used Saul’s conversion as a pattern and showed us the importance of the word “yet”. I. First, “yet” is a word of patience. II. Second, “yet” is a word of power. III. Third, “yet” is a word of peril.
Sermon Outline Acts 8:5-24 The sad reality in a lot go our churches today is the number of people who are “missing out” on the glory and blessing of Christian Living. Simon the sorcerer is a lesson in getting the most out of our Christian Life. Simon “missed out” because of three things: I. Simon missed out because there was no freedom…
Sermon Outline Acts 8:1-40 God is looking for men, women, boys, and girls to make a difference in a world of chaos, depravity, and demon-possession. The kind of people God is looking for is the kind that are willing to be “carried away” for Christ. A “carried-away” faith is a faith characterized by: I. Courage (verses 1-5) II. Compassion (verses 6-8) III.…
Sermon Outline Acts 7:54-8:1 The apostle Paul was dramatically affected by the awesome display of Christlikeness in Stephen’s moment of crisis. God uses the trials and tribulations of our lives to help others find faith in Christ. We need to turn the negatives of our lives into positives by: I. The filling of the Spirit (verse 55) II. The falling down before…
Sermon Outline Acts 6:9-7:60 Jesus’ place of honor for His work of redemption is the right hand of God where he sits in His glory. But on the one occasion He stands to acknowledge the work of one of His servants – Stephen. What made Jesus honor Him that way? God honors those who: I. Look like an angel – shining for…
Sermon Outline Acts 6:1-5 What kind of person is God looking for to serve in His kingdom business? “So they chose Stephen…” is a challenging phrase because it indicates the level of commitment it takes to be recognized for service. He was a man: full! Full of… I. Man Full of Faith (verse 5) II. Man Full of Fruit (Holy Spirit) (verse…
Sermon Outline Galatians 4:4 God is perfect in His timing of all things in life. God wants us to put our faith in Him because he is a God that can be trusted. This verse has two profound meanings: I. A profound prophetic meaning II. A profound personal meaning
Sermon Outline Matthew 2:1-12 The inclusion of the wise men in the nativity story is meant to convey some important principles of the Christmas narrative that may be lost: I. God wanted us to focus on the prophecies of Christ II. God wanted us to focus on the pre-eminence of Christ III. God wanted us to focus on the presents to Christ
Sermon Outline 1 Corinthians 9:15 Paul’s description of Jesus’s birth at Christmas was one word–unspeakable. In the Greek culture it had three distinct meanings: I. The gift of God’s son is unimaginable II. The gift of God’s son is unutterable III. The gift of God’s sone os unforgettable
Sermon Outline Acts 5:40-6:1 “Disciples were being multiplied” is a great description of the New Testament church evangelism. People bring people to Jesus. The Gospel was being shared, not just by their lips, but it was their lives that were making the difference the Gospel. Should be shared by: I. Faithfulness (verse 42) II. Fearlessness (verse 42) III. Fun (verse 41)
Sermon Outline Acts 5:33-42 Gamaliel was an instrument of God to bring reassurance to the New Testament church facing incredible persecution. It’s the same today, and we need encouragement to face the task before us. I. God used Gamaliel to reassure us of God’s control. (verse 34) II. God used Gamaliel to reassure of us the church’s credibility. (verses 35-37) III. God used…
Sermon Outline Acts 5:12-42 We live in a hurting world. People are discouraged and despaired because they have no hope that things will get better. The single mission of the New Testament church is to bring healing to a hurting world! We are the hands and feet of Jesus to a lost and hurting world. Acts 5:12-42 describes the kind of people who…
Sermon Outline Acts 4:32-5:16 The New Testament church in the book of Acts enjoyed a great deal of respect from the outside world. Truly, the church was respectable. Why? I. It was respectable because of its compassion. (vs 4:32-37) II. It was respectable because of its consecration. (vs 4:36-37) III. It was respectable because of its commitment. (vs 5:1-4)
Sermon Outline Acts 4:31-37 God’s desire for His church is greatness. To rise above the temptation of mediocrity, and strove to be the very best it can be. The early church exemplified (5) great characteristics of a great church: I. Great churches exhibit great courage. verse 31 II. Great churches exhibit great conviction. verse 32 III. Great churches exhibit great commitment. verse 32 IV. Great…
Sermon Outline Acts 4:21-22 The Devil’s job is to make us doubt God’a help when we need it. The 1st miracle in the New Testament Church is revealed to help us see that God is a God if the impossible. The Devil’s excuses are 4-fold: I. The time has been too long. II. The tragedy is too large. III. The life is…
Sermon Outline Acts 4:1-31 The Church of Jesus Christ has always succeeded when it was bold for God in the face of worldly opposition. We need to pray for boldness, and then stand up for the Lord. (verse 14) Boldness comes from realizing: I. Sovereignty of God. (verses 10-11) II. Strength of Faith (verse 10) III. Satisfaction of God (verse 19)
Sermon Outline Acts 3:12-16 The greatest hindrance to the power of God in the life of a church or a believer is pride. Pride is original sin, and it is our sinful nature to be recognized. We want to be honored, and sometimes even glorified. But there is only one person who deserves it – Christ. Peter exemplified the sacred disposition of giving…
Sermon Outline Acts 2:8-11 The story of the healing of the lame man gives us a good look at the perception people have about Christians. We should only care about what people see in our lives as it pertains to being a good witness for Jesus Christ. People are impressed when: I. A Christian walks in love. (Ephesians 5:2-7) II. A Christian walks…
Sermon Outline Acts 3:1-11 The story of Peter and John’s encounter with the lame man at the Beautiful Gate gives us a look at the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The power of the Gospel is found in: I. The Power of Persistent Prayer (verse 1) II. The Power of Personal Performance (verse 4) III. The Power of Proper Persuasion (verse…
Sermon Outline Acts 2:41-47 The early believers of that 1st century church formed a model New Testament church life. They were saving the lost, impacting their world, and growing saints of God! How? Steadfastness! They were steadfast in the pursuit of: I. Faith (verse 42) II. Fellowship (verse 42) III. Friendship (verse 42) IV. Father (verse 42)
Sermon Outline Acts 2:4-13 There are a lot of languages in our world today, and they all come with different ideologies & beliefs. How do we reach them all? By the miraculous translation of God! God wants us to speak a language that all will understand – the language of: I. Liberty (verses 13-17) II. Life (verses 17-20) III. Love (verse 21)
Sermon Outline Acts 2:1-4 Sometimes we are prone to “miss the trees for the forest”. Such is the case with the day of Pentecost. We are captivated by speaking in tongues and miss the awesomeness of being filled with the Spirit. It’s a practical lesson on being filled with the Spirit. How did they know they were filled? I. By Sound. Filling produces…
Sermon Outline Acts 2:1-4 Pentecost was a timed festival after the Passover, the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of the First Fruits. Fifty days from the Feast of the First Fruits was Pentecost. It was a foreshadowing of Christ’s resurrection and the infusion of the Holy Spirit into the Church. God meant for First Fruits to be a blessing to…
Sermon Outline Acts 1:15-26 Christian living is all about the Lordship of Jesus Christ – following His leadership in our lives. Sometimes we get ahead of God. This story reminds us to wait for God’s guidance instead of doing our own thing. There are three principles to help: I. Don’t let human initiative get in the way of Divine inspiration. (vs. 15-16)…
Sermon Outline Acts 1:9-11 The first mention of Christ’s return in the book of Acts is one of the reassurance and rebuke. Jesus wanted them to be sure that He would return, but the angel mildly rebuked them for their “gazing” instead of “going”. What are the marks of “Living on the Go” for Christ: I. Godliness (2 Peter 3:10-18) II. Groundedness (2…
Sermon Outline Acts 1:3 Luke refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ as infallible – undeniable – irrefutable because of the eyewitness encounters with His disciples and others. Luke reminds the followers of Jesus Christ that their personal relationship with a Risen Savior is credible testimony to faith in Jesus Christ. He points out our witness is credible when there is: I.…
Sermon Outline Acts 1:1-9 The church’s main focus is witnessing. The Christian life is to be lived in pursuit of telling the story of Jesus Christ – the Gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ. Luke gives us three important principles to be good witnesses. I. Good witnesses need scriptural beliefs. Acts 1:2-4 II. Good witnesses need spiritual baptism. Acts 1:4-5…
Sermon Outline John 21:20 John’s identification of himself as the “Disciple whom Jesus loved” gives us a great insight into the kind of man God loves, and even the kind of man who loves God. A man that loves God is: I. A Follower of Jesus Christ II. A Fellowshipper with Jesus Christ III. A Facilitator to Jesus Christ.
Sermon Outline John 21:20-25 John’s last word to us was one of personal responsibility. God had a plan for Pete, for John, and for us. Joy in the Christian life comes from being personally responsible in the purpose God has for us. The Devil will try to destroy that desire by making us feel the wrong way about our responsibility. Those feelings…
Sermon Outline John 21:18-19 The church has an awesome task of being a light for Jesus in an ever increasing atmosphere of antagonism towards God. Peter and John were going to face overwhelming persecution. Jesus gave them the greatest encouragement He could: I am in control! God’s sovereignty is the greatest assurance for Christian ministry! There are three assurances given in our…
Sermon Outline Serving the Lord is a great privilege, but it is also an awesome responsibility. God gives each of us responsibility as he did Peter and John. John’s recollection of that last conversation emphasizes three important principles for getting the most out of serving our Savior. Serving the Savior, John 21:15-17 I. Joyful servants recognize His pre-emminence. John 21:15 II. Joyful servants…
Sermon Outline Recognizing The Risen Savior is a message designed to help you connect with God. Since we walk by faith and not by sight, connecting with God is not a physical process, but a spiritual one. This message helps you identify and maximize your opportunities to connect with God everyday. Recognizing The Risen Savior I. We connect with God by special intimacy.…
1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. 2 What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows? 3 Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings. 4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong…
John 21:1-14 (KJV) 1 After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself. 2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say…
John 17:17 (KJV) 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17:4 (KJV) 4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
Acts 17:16-34 (KJV) 16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. 17 Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him. 18 Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered…
John 17 (KJV) 1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they…
John 17 (KJV) 1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they…
John 16:16-33 (KJV) 16 A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father. 17 Then said some of his disciples among themselves, What is this that he saith unto us, A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see…
John 15 (KJV) 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you.…
John 14 (KJV) 1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that…
John 13:1-17 (KJV) 1 Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. 2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son,…
John 12:32 (KJV) 32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.